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MICRO Vortex Generator Kit for the Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer is FAA STC approved and ready for installation on your airplane.
The Micro VG Kit includes the STC, VGs, installation tools, computer cut templates, detailed illustrated drawings and instructions, and Loctite® AA 330™ adhesive for installing the vortex generators on your airplane.
My wife and I were on our way to Alaska following the AK Hwy in our newly acquired 1959 Piper Pacer, PA22/20-160. After refueling at Ft. Nelson, BC we continued out for T/O.
It was 90° and we had 60 gals of gas, and bags. After a run up off we went, everything was normal until 300′ when the rpm started dropping off. There were tall pole pines in front of us I started a turn away from them hoping to have enough energy to make it back at least to the mowed area of the airport, no good so I picked the lowest trees in front of us and prepared for a forced landing.
I was carrying 50mph and the plane felt solid and I was able to stay in control as we went thru the tree tops and into the muskeg on the other side of a thin tree line. The prop was stopped at this time, when I felt the brush hitting the belly I flared to full aft elevator.
This is where the VG’s shined, I was able to slow wings level , the tail wheel touched and ran thru the moss for 15-20′ , then the mains touched and tore off with the wing struts and we slid to a stop in control.
I believe the VG’ s enabled me to fly to the ground in complete control, slow and do a gentle landing and we lived with a few bumps when the plane came to a stop and flipped over. Without VG’s I shutter to think what could have happened.
My Husky and my StarDuster both have VG, they are cheap insurance. Thank you for a great product.
1959 Piper Pacer, PA22/20-160
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